
Schooner Injuries Highlight Risks for Cruise Passengers

October 11, 2023

A fall foliage cruise aboard the historic schooner  S/V GRACE BAILEY turned into a deadly tragedy when, without warning, the vessel’s main mast snapped and dropped to the deck. The…

Wakes Happen: Boat Operators Have a Duty to Be Aware of Circumstances and React Accordingly

August 11, 2023

With only several weekends left of the summer and recent  tragedies on the water,  it has called attention to an all-too-common problem that passengers and boat operators need to keep…

Recreational Boating Safety Can Prevent Senseless Tragedies

July 28, 2023

The word “safety” causes many people to roll their eyes, especially when safety is viewed as something that takes the fun out of a recreational activity such as boating. But…

The Danger of Double-Plated Hull Repairs

July 17, 2023

According to a report recently released by the National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB), it was most likely the use of double plating during the repair of a fishing vessel’s hull…

OceanGate Catastrophe Highlights the Fact You Can’t Sign Away Liability for Gross Negligence at Sea

June 30, 2023

As we contemplate the Titan tragedy, our thoughts and prayers go out to the families and all involved and we offer our appreciation and thanks to the U.S. and Canadian…

Recovery for Scallop Fisherman Injured by Boat Owner’s Refusal to Use the Non-Skid Paint

June 6, 2023

Some boat owners never learn. Recently, the team at Latti & Anderson recovered a $785,000 settlement for a crew member of a scallop fishing vessel after he seriously aggravated a…

National Safe Boating Week: Take the Time to Prevent a Potentially Deadly Accident

May 23, 2023

While admittedly every week should be a safe boating week, this week’s formal designation as National Safe Boating Week will hopefully call attention to some critical safety measures that people…

Vessel Owner Can Be Held Liable for Attack by Crewmember

May 4, 2023

Courts and lawmakers have long treated incidents at sea by different standards than those that apply on land. “Sailors lead a rough life,” courts have noted, observing that they are…

$22.5 Million Recovery for Mariner Injured in Barge Accident

April 3, 2023

In a unique case involving complex issues of both admiralty law and state law, Carolyn Latti and David Anderson of  Latti & Anderson LLP succeeded in recovering $22.5 million for…