Why Do Fires Occur on Vessels?

Unfortunately, fires on vessels are not uncommon. Remember, fire incidents can occur on boats for a number of reasons, including:

  • The failure to properly maintain and repair equipment
  • Defective equipment
  • A lack of safety procedures
  • The failure to follow regulations regarding chemicals and flammable cargo

Interestingly, according to Seaworthy, about 55 percent of boat fires occur due to issues with wiring. Additionally, about 24 percent of fires occur due to mechanical overheating, while about 8 percent occur due to fuel leaks.

In addition to these issues, on commercial vessels, we have represented injury victims who have experienced significant burns from scalding hot water and from leaking lube oil.

Sadly, severe burns can be some of the worst injuries a maritime worker can experience. They can lead to pain, disfigurement and limited mobility. This is why if you suffer burn injuries in an incident aboard a vessel, it may be a good idea to speak to an attorney.

In a significant burn injury case our firm handled, our attorneys obtained a $4.5 million settlement for a merchant seaman who was out of work for two years due to her injuries from scaling hot water. Recently, Latti & Anderson obtained an $8 million settlement for an engineer who was fatally burned from an engine room fire on a tug.

Cargo Ship Catches Fire, Extinguished in NY

We bring up fire incidents because recently Professional Mariner reported that the Coast Guard, FDNY and NYPD had to work together to extinguish a fire aboard the 360-foot Gary Shark at Homeport Pier in Staten Island on March 18.

According to the news outlet, one of the vessel’s engines ceased to operate causing the ship to move to New York for repairs. As it was heading to get repairs, the vessel’s second engine began to experience problems, which caused a fire to erupt in its cargo spaces. Thankfully, it does not appear as though anyone was injured in the fire. An investigation into the incident is ongoing.

Speaking to an Attorney About a Maritime Fire Incident

In the video above, David Anderson explains the importance of obtaining legal counsel in maritime law.

Remember, our firm works with medical specialists and rehabilitation experts to determine exactly what kind of burn injury treatment a fire victim may need, and we fight for these costs during litigation. More importantly, we have the experience and knowledge handling extensive burn injuries that occur on marine waters.

Latti & Anderson LLPNationwide Maritime Attorneys

Source: http://www.professionalmariner.com/Web-Bulletin-2015/Cargo-ship-at-Staten-Island-pier-after-fire-at-sea/