Maintenance and Cure
How Does Maintenance and Cure Relate to My Maritime Injury?
If you are a merchant seaman or commercial fisherman, you may have heard of the phrase maintenance and cure in relation to work injuries. Maintenance and cure are special benefits that injured maritime workers can receive from an employer during their recovery process. Regardless of proving liability for your injuries, you as an injured seaman…
Read MoreWhat If an Employer Refuses to Pay Maintenance and Cure After a Fishing Accident?
A commercial fisherman was tying lines on a boat when he became trapped in marsh wetlands. He struggled and injured his legs and knees while trying to get free. The Captain left him in the wetlands and continued on course, essentially abandoning the fisherman to struggle and exacerbate his injuries. The worst part is the…
Read MoreBosun or Boatswain Job Duties
Bosun or Boatswain Job Duties The profession of bosun or boatswain is an physically demanding merchant seamen position. A bosun or boatswain oversees and is in charge of the rigging, anchoring, cables, etc. He/she is responsible for all the ship’s hull and all of its components. The bosun controls and oversees the work of the other…
Read MoreCrewmember Falls To Death While Ship Is At Anchor
A crewmember on a 19-ton cargo ship was fatally injured as a result of a fall. The crewman had been working in a steel basket attached, high above the deck, to the on-board electric provision crane. The crewmember was said to be painting at the time of his fall, and the crane was not suitable…
Read MorePain and Suffering Hard to Prove
Massachusetts Lawyers Weekly By Barbara Rabinovitz They are known as merchant seamen — the mates, engineers, captains and others who labor on the large commercial vessels that ply the world’s high seas. Rarely is there a female among them, but in the summer of 2005 there was a “woman merchant seaman,” as a Boston plaintiffs’…
Read MoreCarolyn M. Latti Lawyer of the Year 2001
Carolyn M. Latti Lawyer of the Year 2001 Lawyers Of The Year 2001 – Carolyn M. Latti By Marissa Yaremich Massachusetts Lawyers Weekly Carolyn M. Latti loves to use her lawyering skills to shake up the old school mentality that “life on the water” is a men’s-only club. As the only female attorney in Massachusetts…
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