What Should I Do If I Was Hurt on a Ferry?
A March 2014 article in WorkBoat highlights the importance of the owners and operators of passenger vessels, such as ferries, keeping their ships in safe condition.
According to the article, passengers on these ships will be protected from most safety hazards as long as a few simple actions are completed by those responsible for the vessels, including:
- Keeping the foredeck area off limits to passengers, including roping it off, because serious injuries and deaths can occur when passengers are allowed to ride in the foredeck area while the vessel is operating at high speed or in changing sea conditions;
- Not allowing passengers to board or disembark without crewmembers in place to help them on the deck and at the bottom of the gangway;
- Keeping the hatches closed when possible, and assigning a crewmember to warn people about open hatches;
- Not allowing passengers to use a vessel ladder and/or stairs without crew supervision.
If you were hurt on a ferry or another type of passenger vessel, the most important thing for you to do is seek immediate medical attention. Beyond that, even if you do not plan to hire an attorney, it is a good idea to speak with one, especially when it comes to maritime law, which is extremely complex. Latti & Anderson LLP offers free initial consultations, so you can come in, talk with us about your situation and learn about your rights under the law and how your case would likely play out.
Lawyers That Handle Ferry Accidents
Latti & Anderson LLP is a family run business. The firm was founded in 1960 by Michael Latti and is currently run by his daughter, Carolyn Latti, and son-in-law, David Anderson. For us, our clients and their families always come first, and we work relentlessly to secure favorable outcomes for them, no matter whether we are up against Carnival Cruise Lines, Mobil Corporation or a recreational boater who drank too much before getting behind the wheel.
For more information about ferry accidents or to discuss your situation with a qualified attorney, call our office today to schedule a free consultation.
Latti & Anderson LLP – Nationwide Maritime Attorneys
Source: https://www.workboat.com