OSHA Breaks Down Fatal Shipyard Accidents
This video from the US Department of Labor’s Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) takes a look at some fatal shipyard accidents—how they occurred, what caused them and how they could have been prevented.
This video does a great job of showing the very real dangers faced by shipyard workers every day, as well as how these fatal accidents could have been prevented.
In some of these accidents, the employer negligence led to worker deaths. Employers have a responsibility to ensure that all safety regulations are adhered to and workers have proper personal protective equipment. Shipyard and maritime careers are dangerous, so it is of the upmost importance that all shipyards are compliant with OSHA.
Latti & Anderson LLP has helped victims of these types of accidents and their families recover damages under the Longshore Harbor Workers Compensation Act, a federal law that was created to protect shipyard and maritime workers from accidents that occur onshore in maritime work environments. If you or a loved one has been injured, it is important to contact an experienced attorney quickly following the accident because the Longshore Act requires injury victims within one year of the accidents.
Latti & Anderson LLP—Boston maritime trial lawyers.