Jones Act Lawyers Review ICS, IMO Concerns About Casualty Reports
The International Chamber of Shipping (ICS) issued a press release on April 22 stating that the organization made a joint submission with the International Transport Workers’ Federation (ITF) to the International Maritime Organization (IMO) to comment about “the apparent failure of some flag states to submit maritime casualty reports to IMO.” The press release stated that the organizations raised concern over the continuing reluctance of certain flag states to submit casualty reports to the IMO following very serious maritime accidents even though it is a requirement under several international maritime Conventions, including the Safety of Life at Sea Convention (SOLAS).
“The lack of investigation and accident reports hinders the development of appropriate measures by IMO to address the cause of serious incidents in which seafarers may have lost their lives,” ITF Acting General Secretary Stephen Cotton said in the release.
“It also frustrates efforts by ship operators to learn from the reports and to amend or develop new procedures, or implement other measures to prevent or mitigate similar future incidents,” ICS Secretary General Peter Hinchliffe said.
The Definition of Very Serious Marine Casualty
The release noted that ICS and ITF “hope that governments will give consideration to this important issue at the next meeting of the IMO Maritime Safety Committee in June.” The organizations also said that maritime administrations conduct investigations into any casualty occurring to ships under their flag, including incidents defined as being a “very serious marine casualty” involving the total loss of the ship, a death or severe damage to the environment. ICS and ITF suggested that IMO give further consideration to what constitutes “a very serious marine casualty” and “the extent to which flag states should retain the latitude which they currently enjoy when determining whether the results of any investigation should be submitted to IMO.”
The Boston maritime trial lawyers at Latti & Anderson LLP have more than a half-century of experience helping injured seamen and their families, and we employ a full-time investigator who gets as close to the accident scene as possible, collects statements and obtains facts about cases. We have represented clients involved in all types of accidents on the water, and our history of multi-million dollar verdicts and settlements obtained for clients includes a $1.7 million settlement for the estate of a crewmember killed in a ship collision.
You can learn more about unseaworthiness and defective equipment laws by visiting our website. If you sustained injuries or your loved one died while working on the water, enter your information in the form on this page to let our Jones Act attorneys review your case or contact our firm today at (800) 392-6072 to set up a free consultation.
Latti & Anderson LLP – Jones Act lawyers