Are Tugboat Accidents Common?

Tugboats are one of the most important and busiest vessels in the maritime industry. They can be separated into three types, each with their own function: Oceangoing tugs Harbor tugboats River tugboats Most are used to help ships into and out of the water. Additionally, they come to the rescue of ships, the fight fires…

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How Did This Commercial Fisherman Sustain Burn Injuries at Sea?

A commercial fishing crew accidentally pulled up live, unexploded artillery while clamming, which caused the destruction of 700 cases of chowder and one fishermen to sustain second-degree burns. While the authorities were unable to determine what the ordnance was, the fisherman’s burns were consistent with mustard agent exposure. Mustard gas can cause skin blisters, blindness,…

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Commercial Fisherman Killed in Yacht Accident

According to the Westerly Sun, a commercial fisherman died after his 25-foot vessel was involved in a collision with a yacht near the Watch Hill Lighthouse, off the coast of Rhode Island. The accident took place on September 22. Friends of the victim, 81, reported that he was a longtime commercial rod-and-reel fisherman who sold…

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Did the Hawaiian Jones Act Challenge Fail?

According to, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit turned away a challenge to the Jones Act recently by a corporation and six people in Hawaii. The news source reported that the Hawaiian plaintiffs had shipping interests and argued that the Jones Act impaired their ability to conduct interstate trade and violated…

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Can I File a Lawsuit Following a Crabbing Accident?

If your loved one is a commercial angler, fisherman or crabber, and he or she has been injured or killed in a maritime accident, you should know that there are specific laws that may apply to your case. For example, if your loved one is involved in fishing or scalloping and he or she is…

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