Research Finds Dungeness Crab Fishing Injuries Often Go Unreported
The American Association of the Advancement of Science’s EurekAlert! released a report recently concerning a study that found injuries among Dungeness crab fishermen often go unreported. Researchers at the Oregon State University conducted the study, which examined trends within the Dungeness crab fishing industry from 2002-14.
After examining injury data, researchers found that there were 28 deaths and 45 injuries amongst commercial Dungeness crab fishermen during the 12-year-period. While the 28 fatalities were much higher than the overall rate of commercial fishing deaths industrywide, the 45 injuries were well below the industry average. Researchers concluded the low rate of crab fishing injuries was due to rampant underreporting.
The study was conducted as part of the Fishermen Led Injury Prevention Program (FLIPP), which is designed to pinpoint and reduce injury risks within the Dungeness crab fishing industry. FLIPP is supported by an $825,000 National Institutes for Occupational Safety and Health grant. The grant, which is for three years, is designed to enable FLIPP and commercial Dungeness crab fishermen to work together to improve safety within the industry.
What Should I Do If I Am Hurt While Crab Fishing?
As maritime attorney Carolyn Latti explains in the video above, you need to talk to a maritime trial lawyer immediately following a commercial fishing accident so you can learn your rights and options. The owner of the vessel and the insurance company will begin investigating your case right away, including consulting experts, examining the accident scene and gathering witness statements. You need to have an attorney representing you to ensure that your rights are not being violated and that you secure the help you need following your injury.