How Can I Get the Help I Need After a Tugboat Accident?

As maritime trial lawyer David Anderson explains in the video above, in some cases, following a tugboat or barge accident, workers who were hurt in the incident can get the money they need for hospital bills and living expenses through maintenance and cure, which provides a daily amount of money to cover living costs, including:

  • Groceries
  • Rent or mortgage
  • Utilities (electricity, water, sewer, heat, gas, etc.)

Fortunately, a tugboat accident earlier this month in Hawaii did not result in any injuries or major damage. According to Pacific Business News, the US Coast Guard had to close a port in Hawaii, the Port of Nawiliwili on Kauai, after a tugboat and barge ran aground.

The accident happened on a Friday night as the tugboat and barge were beginning a return voyage to Honolulu Harbor. No injuries were reported and no cargo was lost in the incident. Authorities were still trying to determine how the vessels ran aground at the time of this report.

I Was Hurt in a Tugboat Accident. Who Can I Call? 

For decades, our firm has been helping those hurt in tugboat accidents. Our experienced maritime attorneys know how these situations play out and are dedicated to guiding injured workers and their families through the process of recovering the money they need for medical bills, living expenses and lost income.

To learn more about maritime law and how we can help you, call us today and schedule a no-cost, confidential consultation.

Latti’s Little Extra: If employers willfully and intentionally fail to pay maintenance and cure to injured employees, workers could recover punitive damages.

Latti & Anderson LLP Nationwide Maritime Attorneys
