Can I Sue a Boat Operator Who Is Facing Criminal Charges?

Can I Sue a Boat Operator Who Is Facing Criminal Charges?

In some cases, the operator at fault in a recreational boating accident will have to face criminal charges for his or her actions leading up to the crash. While boaters who break the law should be held accountable for their actions, especially if those actions led to others suffering injuries or losing their lives, a criminal case will not help the victims of recreational boating accidents recover the money they need for hospital bills, lost income or funeral costs.

Fortunately, a civil lawsuit can help boating accident victims secure the money they and their families need for the pain and suffering they have been caused. In addition, even if boat operators face criminal charges in connection with boating accidents they caused, in many cases, their victims can still file a civil suit against them.

Recently, a 54-year-old North Carolina man who killed a pregnant woman and a child while behind the wheel of a speedboat faced criminal sentencing, according to WGHP-TV. The incident took place in May of 2013 and left a 32-year-old pregnant woman and her 3-year-old son dead after the 54-year-old man crashed into their pontoon boat with his speedboat while traveling at around 40 mph.

What Kind of Insurance Do Recreational Boaters Carry?

In the video below, maritime trial lawyer Carolyn Latti explains how the aftermath of a recreational boating accident can play out depending on whether or not the boat operator has insurance.

Latti’s Little Extra: Alcohol plays a part in around a third of all fatal recreational boating accidents, according to the US Coast Guard.

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